Dear Members of the Gaia-x Service Composition SubWorking Group,

There is no meeting today. We have progressed insufficiently to present the ontology shown last week. There have been very few additions.

So we are moving to next week when more aspects are embedded in the framework.

Besides, Josep is unavailable to describe the expectation from the security and cyber requirements point of view.

Consequently, I am moving the next meeting to the 6th of July, next Thursday at the usual time from 2 to 3 PM.

There is no meeting today.


Djamal Zeghlache

-- Djamal Zeghlache
Djamal ZEGHLACHE, Professor
Directeur Département RS2M (Réseaux et Services Multimédia Mobiles)
Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom
Head Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services Department
Télécom SudParis (Education & Research Center of Institut Mines-Télécom)

Mobile Phone : +336 30 67 73 28
Palaiseau office phone : +331 75 31 44 23
Evry (secondary site) Phone :+331 60 76 47 15

e-mail :  (or
Address@Palaiseau : 19 Place Marguerite Perey, 91120, Palaiseau, France
Office Number: 4A243

Address@Evry (secondary site): 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, France
Office number: A104-01