Dear Members, Find below agenda for the Service Composition Sub WG of Thursday May 11th, 2023. Date / time: *Thursday May 11th, 2023 *from2:00 to 3:00 pm CET* * *Location: Link to join <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTg2OTE3NjYtZWQwOS00ODUyLWJhYTktNDFjN2NkMmFlYzU5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225845e7c0-703b-46a4-88c5-02cbecfbb49f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b4f707b0-251e-452e-859a-40e139c49613%22%7d>***** *Working folder on DCP: **https://community.gaia-x.eu/f/14659418* <https://community.gaia-x.eu/f/14659418>** *AGENDA for May 11th, 2023* *Time* *Topic* *Speaker/moderator* *Type* 2:00pm *0/ *Compliance with applicable competition law and Antitrust Guidelines Djamal Zeghlache I 2:05 pm 1/ TechX information/ reporting / News From those who were in Bilbao and attended TechX I/DU/A ~2:15pm ~2:45pm 2/ Templates translation from TOSCA to other systems 3/ Progress on data exchange services requirements All Djamal Zeghlache and All I/DU/A *Legend*(type):*A* action; *DU* discussion; *I *information; *D* decision; *V *vote BR, Djamal