Hi all, I've heard that you are looking for an example for service composition. WG Service Characteristics is already working on three examples for composed services. Maybe you want to have a look on it. Feel free to copy the examples and/or to extend then. WG Service Characteristics will be happy to assist you especially with providing Self Descriptions for your composed service. * *Bare Metal Service Offering*: https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/gaia-x-community/gaia-x-self-descriptions/-/blob/2... (WIP) * *Virtual Compute Service Offering*: https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/gaia-x-community/gaia-x-self-descriptions/-/blob/2... (WIP) * *K8s Service Offering:* https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/gaia-x-community/gaia-x-self-descriptions/-/blob/2... (WIP) Best regards, Anja -- *Dr. Anja Strunk Team Lead Cloud Innovation * ** Cloud&Heat Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH Königsbrücker Straße 96 (Halle 15) | 01099 Dresden *+49 351 479 367 00* *anja.strunk@cloudandheat.com | **www.cloudandheat.com* <https://www.cloudandheat.com> * **Think Green. SKALIEREN SIE IHRE ANWENDUNG AUF UNSERER CLOUD-INFRASTRUKTUR. <https://infra.cloudandheat.com/> * Commercial Register: District Court Dresden Register Number: HRB 30549 VAT ID No.: DE281093504 Managing Director: Nicolas Röhrs Authorized signatory: Dr. Marius Feldmann Authorized signatory: Kristina Rübenkamp