Hi all, indeed the tutorials of the WG Service Characteristics provide a good starting point. Let me, however, clarify that these are not service compositions in the strict sense. Instead, these are examples of a ServiceOffering being a composition of Resources (as defined by the Gaia-X Conceptual Model). However, understanding this will certainly also facilitate understanding the proper composition of services and the “ServiceOffering depends on ServiceOffering” relationship in the Conceptual Model. Cheers, Christoph -- Dr. Christoph Lange Fraunhofer FIT: Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Department +49 2241 14-3615 (redirects to mobile); room C5-026 https://www.fit.fraunhofer.de/dsai RWTH Aachen University: Information Systems, Senior Researcher Ahornstraße 55, building E2, room 6009 http://dbis.rwth-aachen.de/cms/staff/christophlange From: Anja Strunk <anja.strunk@cloudandheat.com> Sent: Monday, 7 March, 2022 08:23 To: wg-service-composition@list.gaia-x.eu Cc: Lange-Bever, Christoph <christoph.lange-bever@fit.fraunhofer.de> Subject: Service Composition Example Hi all, I've heard that you are looking for an example for service composition. WG Service Characteristics is already working on three examples for composed services. Maybe you want to have a look on it. Feel free to copy the examples and/or to extend then. WG Service Characteristics will be happy to assist you especially with providing Self Descriptions for your composed service. * Bare Metal Service Offering: https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/gaia-x-community/gaia-x-self-descriptions/-/blob/2... (WIP) * Virtual Compute Service Offering: https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/gaia-x-community/gaia-x-self-descriptions/-/blob/2... (WIP) * K8s Service Offering: https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/gaia-x-community/gaia-x-self-descriptions/-/blob/2... (WIP) Best regards, Anja -- Dr. Anja Strunk Team Lead Cloud Innovation [Cloud&Heat] Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH Königsbrücker Straße 96 (Halle 15) | 01099 Dresden +49 351 479 367 00 anja.strunk@cloudandheat.com<mailto:anja.strunk@cloudandheat.com> | www.cloudandheat.com<https://www.cloudandheat.com> Think Green. SKALIEREN SIE IHRE ANWENDUNG AUF UNSERER CLOUD-INFRASTRUKTUR.<https://infra.cloudandheat.com/> Commercial Register: District Court Dresden Register Number: HRB 30549 VAT ID No.: DE281093504 Managing Director: Nicolas Röhrs Authorized signatory: Dr. Marius Feldmann Authorized signatory: Kristina Rübenkamp