Hi Djamal, I am on vacation, and It has been impossible to attend to today's meeting See you next week Best Josep ________________________________ De: Djamal Zeghlache <djamal.zeghlache@telecom-sudparis.eu> Enviat el: dijous, 18 d’agost de 2022 9:03 Per a: wg-service-composition@list.gaia-x.eu <wg-service-composition@list.gaia-x.eu> Tema: [Wg-service-composition] [Gx SC-WG][ Agenda for Service Composition of Thursday 08-18-2022] Dear Members, Here is the agenda for the service composition working group meeting of Thursday August 18th, 2022 at 2 pm. Date / time: August 18th, 2022 from 2 to 3 pm CET Location: Link to join<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3anG11DSUa8KzWfD82qjS4LTBmNZD0lwC3BrgOVtUIxCE1%40thread.tacv2/1660125277789?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222b1be215-5cf1-43de-8bc7-946bdf57f9cd%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2252c27d66-5a7a-4038-9639-8e79fedd0276%22%7d> Working folder on DCP: https://community.gaia-x.eu/f/14659418<https://eu-central-1.protection.sophos.com?d=gaia-x.eu&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9jb21tdW5pdHkuZ2FpYS14LmV1L2YvMTQ2NTk0MTg=&i=NWZkYjRiODc3M2ZiN2EwZGZmZjAzOTAy&t=V2FWZDgrYmtDdzVULzNNZTRTN3BHT3JLYTBLMFdqM0gxWmk5QnN1UGFYOD0=&h=798d8a2d5cc741d9b614643584192a11> AGENDA Time Topic Speaker/moderator Type 0/ Opening and internal fixed - Welcome / Compliance with applicable competition law and Antitrust Guidelines Djamal Zeghlache I 1/ Status of service composition model Pursue discussion concerning the model (expected text not ready yet.) All participants DU 2/ Planning of Infrastructure services of August 25th - Who will attend - Plan our contribution for next Thursday of next week All DU 3/ AoB All DU/A/D Legend (type): A action; DU discussion; I information; D decision; V vote BR, Djamal -- Djamal Zeghlache ________________________________________________________________________ Djamal ZEGHLACHE, Professor Directeur Département RS2M (Réseaux et Services Multimédia Mobiles) Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom Head Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services Department Télécom SudParis (Education & Research Center of Institut Mines-Télécom) Mobile Phone : +336 30 67 73 28 Palaiseau office phone : +331 75 31 44 23 Evry (secondary site) Phone :+331 60 76 47 15 e-mail : djamal.zeghlache@telecom-sudparis.eu<mailto:djamal.zeghlache@telecom-sudparis.eu> (or @it-sudparis.eu) ________________________________________________________________________ Address@Palaiseau : 19 Place Marguerite Perey, 91120, Palaiseau, France Office Number: 4A243 Address@Evry (secondary site): 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, France Office number: A104-01 ________________________________________________________________________