Dear Service Composition Working Group Members,

(@Giuditta: can you please cancel tomorrow's only Service Composition meeting. Other future and regular slots are unchanged and remain active).

We have to skip the visio/teams meeting of tomorrow, of the service composition working group, for unfortunate conflicts in my schedule. I was unable to resolve the collision.

This is quite unusual for me to do so, but hopefully it is not that critical at this stage since I am yet to build a "relevant" composition example to bootstrap the working group work fruitfully. I think we can use the time in between to consolidate the example and have an efficient meeting on 17/03/2022, Thursday of next week.

Meanwhile Anja kindly sent us pointers on Self Descriptions from the Service Characteristics working group that I am repeating below, and that I recommend you to analyze and think about in terms of service composition. We need also to establish a link with the compliance and trust frameworks to embed compliance and trust in our work.

Copied from Anja's message that we received on our mailing list:

Self Descriptions for analysis and exploitation by service composition.

Be aware, however, just like Christoph mentioned these are not service compositions, but description frameworks. Evidently no service composition without descriptions and descriptors, without discovery/matching/recommendation mechanisms. Therefore, it is important that we take the other working groups work into account and build upon their frameworks and feedback if we identify missing elements and gaps later on when we roll out the service composition processes and workflows to build the service composition model.

I will notify you when I have documents and examples ready on the shared space so we can prepare the meeting of Thursday 17/03/2022 ahead of meeting time.

Again, my apology for cancelling tomorrow's meeting, only. We will be back to normal schedule every Thursdays from 2 to 3 pm, as of next week.


Djamal Zeghlache

Djamal Zeghlache
Djamal ZEGHLACHE, Professor
Directeur Département RS2M (Réseaux et Services Multimédia Mobiles)
Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom
Head Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services Department
Télécom SudParis (Education & Research Center of Institut Mines-Télécom)

Mobile Phone : +336 30 67 73 28
Palaiseau office phone : +331 75 31 44 23
Evry (secondary site) Phone :+331 60 76 47 15

e-mail :  (or
Address@Palaiseau : 19 Place Marguerite Perey, 91120, Palaiseau, France
Office Number: 4A243

Address@Evry (secondary site): 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, France
Office number: A104-01