1 Jun
1 Jun
8:29 a.m.
Dear all, I wanted to inform you that the DCP today will be unavailable due to a migration activity that should be completed by 4pm. We apologise for the service interruption but we're working to improve the usability of the tool. Please excuse me in case you receive this email several times. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation Best regards, Giuditta Giuditta Del Buono | Committees and Working Groups Manager - DCP Support Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL Phone: +39 339 vv7279869 giuditta.delbuono@gaia-x.eu<mailto:cosmina.gantner@gaia-x.eu> | www.gaia-x.eu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?u...> Avenue des Arts 6-9 1210 Bruxelles/Brussels Belgium